Tuesday 2 March 2010

What's the point..

So I'm sick today. Don't feel like doing any work because the thought of sitting down in my dreary room, burning up in an uncomfortable chair trying to knock out a couple thousand words about some topic that I can't get suitable information on, seems like two steps away from death. I posted something on twitter about humanity and choice (#insomanywords) and it seems to me that I'm just a whining bitch. I know what I have to do, and I know the consequences and rewards for my actions, yet I still act and think the way I do. I ponder "is the something wrong with me?". There are millions of people, probably billions, who wake up everyday and play the hand their given and don't complain. Maybe they do complain, but they do it none the less. I do sometimes, but always in my own time, like I'm the master of my universe. Disney was shelling out a load of crap to kids for £9.99. Should kids really be allowed to dream, in the world we live in, dreaming is a liability, those billion people would love to do something else with their lives.
If given my way at this point in time, I'd want to dive head first into photography and cinema, but that won't solve any problem or quell any worries. I might know I'm good with potential to be the fucking Ali of visual storytelling, but who'll believe me. I'd still need to beg, pleade and subject myself to all sorts of requests before I finally got the freedom to do what I want to.
Mum keeps telling me, your going to have to slave before you can be the master. Some much truth to that as such is the world we live in. I think I posted here once about my view on humanity(yes, that's all that runs through my mind most days) and how someday we're going to have to make a choice. Its either we conform and walk the path that's being laid over generation due to our humanity (which is relatively easier than) or deciding to change and be unique and enduring the turmoil.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Saturday 27 February 2010


Been a while since I've updated my blog, been very busy trying to sort out my life. Anyway, was looking over my past posts and I found that I shell a lot, like on every single post. Just so you know, my english is very good so don't go thinking who's this illiterate clogging up my web browser with his unintelligent shit. I'm sure you can get my points with some common sense.
Anyway, I don't really have anything to talk about right now but tomorrow I'm sure something will come to mind. Stay tuned or something.


Ps. If anyone those read this I know a blogger with more interesting stuff. Check out El Nnanna at www.thoughtoration.blogspot.com
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Monday 5 October 2009

The Best Day In A Life...

You like that title don't you. Wish I could truly explain how (so) good I feel right now, it would take a lot to take me down a millimetre, nothing short of a Death. Yes I said it, F**k off. Tony, see what you've done, you've turned a harmless blogger into a "MONSTER".

I'm sure your all confused, well, Monster is Tony D's New track, recorded this morning, Wordsworth Studios. If you don't already know, Tony D aka Sadiq Anthony Omotosho, great rapper, great producer and a greater friend. Our involvement in the entertainment industry will be revolutionary.

Unfortunately there's no no picture to accompany this post, except
this was the aftermath of the 2nd session, it looks so uneventful but if you only knew.

Note: This post requires no apology for any previous unposted "posts"... Arrrrrr...


Tuesday 29 September 2009

We're About to kick off

I know its been a weekend and a day and I promised to be on here everyday, but I'm in a new house and have no internet for now, sorting that out today though.

Worked on another picture montage this time in Black & White, its a Family Affair, the pretty Lady you see is a very close friend of mine and Nnanna, my bro. Saw this saw of style/format in Nottingham's 69(sixtynine) magazine that I picked up at a friends room at the Park Plaza Hotel, really nice place bytheway, not sure what the prices are like but definitely a pear in the city centre.

A day in a life 25|09|09 1330hrs
In this Picture El Nnanna & Mashid LuLu

Nnanna, Mashid and I where on Nottingham's Jubilee Campus, chit-chatting and taking in the veiw, lovely, my first photoog was such a sucess that I think It'll take atleast a week to show you all the pictures. Haven't finished scrubbing through them all, but y'all will be the 2nd to know, I won't bull shit you, lol.....

(Just in-case you haven't noticed, this isn't a child friendly website, though there isn't a constant load of cursing I'd advise the kids to stay away as a result of my spontaneity... lol..)

Anyway, Heading into the city again today, more house shopping, will try and get myself a new phone too, so I can update you guys on the go....

Just had a convo with Tony D. about the Mixtapes, great ideas spinning around. Unfortunately or fortunately he managed to convince me to come to his business class, I think I'm gonna enjoy today....

The Sun Is Shinning.....


Friday 25 September 2009

But before we start....

Just to let y'all know (and there aren't really a lot of you for now, poor advertising), been having a little problem in house, my house not company related, you'll figure it out sooner or later. Anyway, we're "on and popping now" should be on here everyday from now on.

I made a promise to myself after the realisation that I call my self a photographer but I'm never in a rush to take pictures, I blame this on society (don't ask, I know I can so I will.... lol) anyway, though I've said countless time that my life is extremely boring, honestly it isn't, I just never felt like the sharing type, especially when you don't know who's reading this, prospective employer,
local Dibia (i.e. Witch Doctor) Haters or Fragile Fans and the general public. You see how I listed them out, a psychologist would say I just want to please everybody but reality is that its IMPOSSIBLE, I would be very very happy if everyone around me was happy but thing is they won't be, human nature won't allow it, hmmm.... and don't even get me started on human nature. Anyway, I could go on and on about these things, pros and cons, but I'm still very undecided, I have a big decision to make, we all do, or have, or will have to make it too as some point in life in order for you to move forward (and I do acknowledge that I'm standing still and have been for a while and possibly a little while longer) but you have to think very hard about it, there's really no coming back.
Simply, you can look at the decision as ... er ... being realistic or, what the other thing... don't remember, we'll just call it "Hopeful". Basically you can believe humanity can change and there's some good in everybody or be realistic (like my lean) and know that nothing gonna get better, unless it happens over night and that'll be the night before the world ends, you know how we are with deadlines and what nots...

Enough of the daily rant, back to business, music, movies and pictures.... Speaking on movies... We're a studio init...... lol....
I'll leave you guys with some of my recent work, gotta find a way to embed pictures here seriously.... and use the fonts, make it easy and intersting for you guys, that's marketing....

A day in a life 21|09|09 2330hrs

In this Picture (Clockwise from Top-Left) FIFA 2009, JR Shirt, MY laptop, El Nnanna, Deji Laguda, JR & Tony D

Promo Cover for Single of the Mixtape

just made that up....


Monday 14 September 2009

And It Starts....

I know its been so long, summer was crazy, working and all that studying and what nots...

Been working with the crew and we've going hard, so watch out. Regular updates and what nots...

Check us on youtube [www.youtube.com/billionaireboiajay], facebook [The Versatile Group], twitter [www.twitter.com/versatileAJ]

We've got some videos up so share the love.


Thursday 21 May 2009

This morning a lot of things rushed through my head, and that was only seconds after I opened my eyes. I then proceeded to go back to sleep cause it was about 5am and even though this is exam period for me, waking up that early seemed a little counter productive. Finally, I decided to get out of bed at around 10ish and the first thing I decided to do was check my facebook (I get disgusted just thinking about it, why? Cause I seem to be so depended on something I hate, or rather afraid off).
Once in a while, I manage to find my self to look at the bigger picture of things and it frightens me. I think this is where nature takes over the brain and I have been uneducated down to the core. Imagine living in solitude in the wild for 20years and you see a computer, think the film "The gods Must be Crazy". I can't seem to understand why this tiny screen on this tiny box is showing me all these things, seems like witchcraft. I take it all in for a few seconds, maybe a minute, then I ignore it and move on with my life. The technology is essential. You wouldn't have noticed I started rambling on again.
I was talking about this morning. After waiting for my laptop to boot up and I checked my facebook, which is still semi-open now, it's just hidden so I think its closed and I can feel better about myself. I decided to log into my blog(and that doesn't lead up to this point, that would be cruel. Writing what I happened in the 20mins that it took me to leave my bed and sign on to Blogger. What went through my mind would be a little more fascinating but exhausting too). Anyway, I stumbled onto this post about Love and Technology and that got me thinking. You can see where my rambling originated from, but I'll referencing his post and not that it's is just my opinion or rather how I treat these situations.

  • If I'm really trying to get in contact with someone who I just meet, I'll call. If i'm not to keen I'll text and not give a reason for calling. I think calling is alot more personal than text typed with generic phones that could easily be "templates".
  • Facebook, MySpace and the other social sites are great when you want to get in touch with people far away almost instantly, either cause you don't have their numbers or your current roaming charges are a b****h. Lets face it, money is one of the main reason too, who would pass up a free chance to talk to someone far away(the reason blackberries have major appeals, not cause its organisers and e-mail synchronizing make work handling efficient). The sites make it easy to be impersonal with contact and makes it short; "template conversations". "Hey" - "just thought I'd check-in on you" "Bye". If you called me to find out how I was doing that'll be a lot better don't you think
I think I've ranted enough for one topic for today or rather now.

I'm heading to my lab, which is still my laptop, to design some stuff for this blog. I looked at it and I thought it was a bit to plain, I like simple but this was taking the P. It wasn't personal enough. Hopefully you might see me personality and interest shine though some of the stuff.
I just realised that I'd have to do some research to find out how to change the settings to accommodate background images. Hmm, Revision..... Html editing...... You'll notice the outcome.

Oh, remember I said a lot of things popped into my head this morning and I ignored them, the popped in a couple minutes ago and I started writing them down and then half way though I forgot everything. My memories deteriorating fast. Help!!!
